The main objectives of Business Information Technology
(BIT) program seek the linkage between theory and practice in the field of BIT.
This linkage equips the graduates with locally and internationally required
abilities. BIT program graduates are expected to possess suitable technical
background knowledge and skills, in addition to deep understanding of
business-oriented information technology environments. The undergraduate
students are provided solid education to attain productive career, base for
successful further studies, continue lifelong learning, and be responsible.
Specifically, the graduates are expected to:
a. Be capable
of competing locally and internationally in the field of BIT by being highly
qualified, well trained, self-learners, able to cope with advancements, and
professional team workers.
b. Be ready for
professional practice in the BIT field including, but not limited to,
programming, web-applications development, system analysis, problem solving,
project management, BIT-related consultation, total quality management, and
technology-enabled business.
c. Strive for
professional growth by continuous career development, showing increasing
responsibility and leadership, pursuing advanced studies, and being innovative.
d. Adhere to
professional conduct by being aware of ethical and social implications of their
work and behavior.